In the United States, we’ve just celebrated the Fourth of July Independence Day holiday, and in no time, we all will celebrate another holiday—the late August/early September release of The Age of Conversation 2008, the newer, larger, expanded sequel to the original book, edited by marketing and social media specialists Drew McLellan and Gavin Heaton.
In fact, many of the original 100 authors are returning, all noted innovators in the integrated fields of internet marketing, public relations and social media; plus, an additional 137 new authors have joined the project, providing new, thought-provoking insights into what may be next on the horizon after Web 2.0, and what they have learned from hard-won professional experience in their respective fields. For any organization that is interested in moving forward with a social media/social networking outreach program, or for those who want to get into the field, this book will be a must-read. If you already bought the first book, this 2008 version will have enough new and updated material that it will be well worth your while to pick up the new book.
Another great reason to buy The Age of Conversation 2008 is that, like the first book, all proceeds will go to Variety, the Children’s Charity, which has raised over $1.5 billion to date for children’s causes around the world, according to the organization’s web site. I was pleasantly surprised to see a van in my own Berkeley neighborhood that is used to transport disabled children to programs run by Bay Area Outreach & Recreation Program, which was apparently at least partially funded by Variety.
I am honored to be among the 237 contributing authors. My own chapter in the book is tentatively entitled, “Creativity Comes from Conversation—What’s Innovation Got to Do with It?” As a sneak preview, I will only say that it was written for a section of the book about A New Brand of Creative, which explores the idea that now that many companies and organizations are integrating social media, social networks and online communities into their overall marketing and public relations outreach, does that mean we need some new thinking about the qualities and skills of people we hire to fill not only those roles, but for other positions in an organization? Does The Age of Conversation imply that we need to rethink not only hiring, but our staff training procedures—and how? I’ve drawn upon my experiences as a creativity and innovation consultant, executive coach, management consultant and trainer, as well as my PR, social media and marketing background, in writing my chapter.
Here’s the line-up of 237 contributing authors to The Age of Conversation 2008:
Adrian Ho, Aki Spicer, Alex Henault, Amy Jussel, Andrew Odom, Andy Nulman, Andy Sernovitz, Andy Whitlock, Angela Maiers, Ann Handley, Anna Farmery, Armando Alves, Arun Rajagopal, Asi Sharabi, Becky Carroll, Becky McCray, Bernie Scheffler, Bill Gammell, Bob LeDrew, Brad Shorr, Brandon Murphy, Branislav Peric, Brent Dixon, Brett Macfarlane, Brian Reich, C.C. Chapman, Cam Beck, Casper Willer, Cathleen Rittereiser, Cathryn Hrudicka, Cedric Giorgi, Charles Sipe, Chris Kieff, Chris Cree, Chris Wilson, Christina Kerley (CK), C.B. Whittemore, Chris Brown, Connie Bensen, Connie Reece, Corentin Monot, Craig Wilson, Daniel Honigman, Dan Schawbel, Dan Sitter, Daria Radota Rasmussen, Darren Herman, Dave Davison, David Armano, David Berkowitz, David Koopmans, David Meerman Scott, David Petherick, David Reich, David Weinfeld, David Zinger, Deanna Gernert, Deborah Brown, Dennis Price, Derrick Kwa, Dino Demopoulos, Doug Haslam, Doug Meacham, Doug Mitchell, Douglas Hanna, Douglas Karr, Drew McLellan, Duane Brown, Dustin Jacobsen, Dylan Viner, Ed Brenegar, Ed Cotton, Efrain Mendicuti, Ellen Weber, Eric Peterson, Eric Nehrlich, Ernie Mosteller, Faris Yakob, Fernanda Romano, Francis Anderson, Gareth Kay, Gary Cohen, Gaurav Mishra, Gavin Heaton, Geert Desager, George Jenkins, G.L. Hoffman, Gianandrea Facchini, Gordon Whitehead, Gretel Going & Kathryn Fleming, Hillel Cooperman, Hugh Weber, J. Erik Potter, James Gordon-Macintosh, Jamey Shiels, Jasmin Tragas, Jason Oke, Jay Ehret, Jeanne Dininni, Jeff De Cagna, Jeff Gwynne & Todd Cabral, Jeff Noble, Jeff Wallace, Jennifer Warwick, Jenny Meade, Jeremy Fuksa, Jeremy Heilpern, Jeroen Verkroost, Jessica Hagy, Joanna Young, Joe Pulizzi, John Herrington, John Moore, John Rosen, John Todor, Jon Burg, Jon Swanson, Jonathan Trenn, Jordan Behan, Julie Fleischer, Justin Foster, Karl Turley, Kate Trgovac, Katie Chatfield, Katie Konrath, Kenny Lauer, Keri Willenborg, Kevin Jessop, Kristin Gorski, Lewis Green, Lois Kelly, Lori Magno, Louise Manning, Luc Debaisieux, Mario Vellandi, Mark Blair, Mark Earls, Mark Goren, Mark Hancock, Mark Lewis, Mark McGuinness, Matt Dickman, Matt J. McDonald, Matt Moore, Michael Karnjanaprakorn, Michelle Lamar, Mike Arauz, Mike McAllen, Mike Sansone, Mitch Joel, Neil Perkin, Nettie Hartsock, Nick Rice, Oleksandr Skorokhod, Ozgur Alaz, Paul Chaney, Paul Hebert, Paul Isakson, Paul McEnany, Paul Tedesco, Paul Williams, Pet Campbell, Pete Deutschman, Peter Corbett, Phil Gerbyshak, Phil Lewis, Phil Soden, Piet Wulleman, Rachel Steiner, Sreeraj Menon, Reginald Adkins, Richard Huntington, Rishi Desai, Robert Hruzek, Roberta Rosenberg, Robyn McMaster, Roger von Oech, Rohit Bhargava, Ron Shevlin, Ryan Barrett, Ryan Karpeles, Ryan Rasmussen, Sam Huleatt, Sandy Renshaw, Scott Goodson, Scott Monty, Scott Townsend, Scott White, Sean Howard, Sean Scott, Seni Thomas, Seth Gaffney, Shama Hyder, Sheila Scarborough, Sheryl Steadman, Simon Payn, Sonia Simone, Spike Jones, Stanley Johnson, Stephen Collins, Stephen Landau, Stephen Smith, Steve Bannister, Steve Hardy, Steve Portigal, Steve Roesler, Steven Verbruggen, Steve Woodruff, Sue Edworthy, Susan Bird, Susan Gunelius, Susan Heywood, Tammy Lenski, Terrell Meek, Thomas Clifford, Thomas Knoll, Tim Brunelle, Tim Connor, Tim Jackson, Tim Mannveille, Tim Tyler, Timothy Johnson, Tinu Abayomi-Paul, Toby Bloomberg, Todd Andrlik, Troy Rutter, Troy Worman, Uwe Hook, Valeria Maltoni, Vandana Ahuja, Vanessa DiMauro, Veronique Rabuteau, Wayne Buckhanan, William Azaroff, Yves Van Landeghem
I hope you’ll join or continue what promises to be an ongoing Age of Conversation by checking out the new edition of this book that is becoming a classic of our time. Watch for updates and purchase links as the release date draws near.
Technorati Tags: ageofconversation, drewmclellan, gavinheaton, socialmedia
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[...] In case you needed a reminder, here is the list of all 237 contributing authors, each a noted innovator in social media, public relations, marketing, branding and/or advertising. These experts know how to optimize the most up-to-date techniques and tools on the Web, and they are among the people who are helping to determine what will happen next, regarding conversation and collaboration on the Web: [...]