If you want to talk to a thought leader about new trends in public relations, social media, marketing, collaboration, creativity and innovation, social entrepreneurship and other timely topics, contact us. We’re likely to have someone available for interviews and briefings, including our CEO, Cathryn Hrudicka.
Please type “press” or “media” in the subject line. We’ll get back to you immediately. You can also call us in the San Francisco Bay Area, at: (510) 845-5510.
Our company is a Society for New Communications Research (SNCR) Award of Excellence and Innovation Winner!
We’re very proud that one of our clients, Sutter Medical Center Castro Valley/Eden Medical Center (a Sutter Health affiliate), won the 2009 SNCR (Society for New Communications Research) Award for Excellence and Innovation in External Communications and Communities in the Nonprofit Division, along with our company, Creative Sage™/Cathryn Hrudicka & Associates, and G2 Communications, Inc.!
Links to a few other articles by or about Cathryn Hrudicka, Chief Imagination Officer/CEO of Creative Sage™/Cathryn Hrudicka & Associates:
Interview with Cathryn Hrudicka on Creativity Portal, by Nancy Mills
Living Life as a Spirited Woman: Making Time for Creativity, by Cathryn Hrudicka
How to Tell Your Story Creatively to Stand Out from the Crowd, by Cathryn Hrudicka
Getting the Most out of Your Online and Offline PR, by Cathryn Hrudicka
Fast Company September 2007 article by Tech Blogger Robert Scoble, about some of the uses of social media in business, which quotes PR/Social Media and Innovation Expert Cathryn Hrudicka, Web Evangelist Betsy Weber, and NBC Cameraman and VergeNewMedia Owner Jim Long:
• Social Media, Public Relations and Bloggers’ Roundtable on the popular B5 Media Technosailor Blog, by Aaron Brazell. Cathryn Hrudicka participated as a guest blogger and Social Media/PR and Innovation Expert on this panel, which is also very informative for any organization planning a comprehensive marketing, branding, public relations and social media campaign. The other panelists included Marc Orchant, Marshall Kirkpatrick, Doug Haslam and Brian Solis.
PR Roundtable Discussion: The Challenge of Social Media and introduction to the panel:
PR Roundtable: Brand in the Internet Era:
PR Roundtable: Engaging Public Relations for Bloggers 101:
PR Roundtable: Is “outing” a wayward public relations pitch an effective way to deal with the problem:
PR Roundtable: Industry advice on how PR professionals and bloggers can more effectively engage each other:
• Podcast on The Buzz Bin, with Livingston Communications’ CEO Geoff Livingston, featuring Cathryn Hrudicka discussing social media trends and innovation:
A download of the podcast is available at:
• Additionally, Cathryn Hrudicka participated in a Social Media Roundtable of guest bloggers, whose articles were originally online on the ThinkFree, Inc. blog, hosted by their former Marketing Director, Jonathan Crow. These articles have been moved to Jonathan Crow’s own blog site, as follows:
Article #1 by Jonathan Crow, introducing the ThinkFree Social Media Experiment, where he poses five questions to the panel:
Roundtable Response to Question #1, “How Much Time Should Be Devoted to the Care and Feeding of a Social Network”:
The Great Social Experiment – Roundtable Question 2: Judging Outcomes:
Roundtable Response to Question #3, “The Right Tools for the Job”:
Roundtable Response to Questions #4, “How Aggressively Should I Try to Get Connected?”:
Roundtable Response to Question #5, “Feedback Mechanisms..” and Jonathan Crow’s summary of what he learned from his Social Media usage:
Video interview of Cathryn Hrudicka, by Chris Apollo Lynn of SocialTNT:
SocialTNT: “3sday’s 3Q’s in 3 Min: Cathryn Hrudicka, Creative Sage”
Beachwalks.tv with Rox (Roxanne Darling), on Daily Motion—Episode #547: “Who Are You?”, mentioning Cathryn Hrudicka/Creative Sage(tm)
We’ll update the Press Room periodically—keep checking, and please let us know if you need further information, backgrounders, photos, audio or video clips.